The Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA) on January 19, 2021. held the third in a series of two - month online meetings of representatives of network member agencies dedicated to data management in accreditation agencies.

The data management system was presented by the Accreditation Agency for the Study of Engineering, Informatics, Natural Scineces and Mathematics (ASIIN) from Germany. This agency also presented its context of action and key activities, as well as the Quality Agency for Higher Education of Latvia (AIKA).

CEENQA Executive Board members Duška Radmanovic and Olgun Cicek presented the framework topics for presentations at the upcoming CEENQA General Assembly planned for autumn 2021. Radmanovic is in charge of coordinating a working group dedicated to the work of higher education institutions during the corona virus pandemic, while Cicek is in charge of a working group dealing with topics related to the work of quality assurance agencies in the same period.

Cicek also announced that eight agencies have applied for this year's staff exchange program between agencies for 2021, which will be done entirely online. The staff exchange program within CEENQA has been implemented for the sixth year in a row.

The meeting was attended by 48 representatives of member agencies of the network, and a new meeting of a similar type is planned to be held in March 2021.