ENQA (The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) and the ENIC-NARIC network (European Network of Information Centres in the European Region / the National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union) co-organised the webinar “QA agencies and ENIC-NARICs: cooperation models and opportunities“. The webinar was held on April 8, 2024. It was attended by representatives of quality assurance agencies and ENIC/NARIC centres. A representative of the Agency for Higher Education of Republic of Srpska also followed the webinar.

The main topic of the webinar was the cooperation between quality assurance agencies and ENIC-NARIC centres. This webinar explored various approaches by presenting three different cases and discussing the particularities, advantages and challenges of each one. Andrina Wafer, QQI Head of International Mobility and Prior Learning presented the Irish case, Kristina Sutkute, SKVC Information and assessment officer presented the Lithuanian case and Bas Wegewijs, NUFFIC Team Coordinator / Policy Officer International Recognition presented the Netherlands case.

The event also explored the possible opportunities for enhancing cooperation, communication and information exchange.