The Expert Team for ranking higher education institutions in Republika Srpska continued its visit to higher education institutions in Republic of Srpska. Members of the Expert Team prof. Darko Petkovic, PhD, prof. Tadeja Jere Jakulin, PhD and prof. Mile Dzelalija, PhD visited the University of Banja Luka, Pan-European University Apeiron, Independent University of Banja Luka, University of Business Engineering and Management, University of Business Studies, Higher school Banja Luka College, Higher school “Prometej” College of Applied Sciences and Higher school College of Cosmetology and Aesthetics during their stay in Banja Luka, in the period from 14th to 19th February 2022.

At the meetings held between the Expert Team and representatives of higher education institutions, it was emphasized that the project of ranking higher education institutions in Republic of Srpska,for the first time, gives detailed insight into the real situation in higher education and is an excellent indicator of ten years’ work results. During these meetings, members of the Expert Team gave clear guidelines on how to develop and improve teaching process, international cooperation and scientific research work in higher education institutions.
During their stay in Banja Luka, the Expert Team, also visited the Rectorate of the University of Banja Luka, where they met the University leadership led by the Rector, prof. Radoslav Gajanin, PhD. The meeting, which was held on February 15, 2022, was attended also by the director of the Agency, prof. Biljana Vojvodic, PhD and Assistant Director for Accreditation and International Cooperation Duska Radmanovic, MA.