On March 18, 2021 Duska Radmanovic, Head of the Department for Quality Assurance and International Cooperation, participated in the seminar "Protection and Promotion of Academic Integrity: How Quality Assurance Agencies Can Act" organized by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education- ENQA).

It was stated at the seminar that academic integrity is a key aspect that provides trust in high quality education systems. Quality assurance agencies are invited to be actively involved in taking action against breaches of academic integrity, which may include abuses in writing papers, plagiarism, as well as falsified certificates of qualifications. This webinar explored the practical steps that quality assurance agencies can take in protecting and promoting academic integrity. Presentations at the webinar were given by representatives of The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education of The United Kingdom (QAA), the Quality and Qualifications Agency of Ireland (QQI) and the Lithuanian Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC).